Chilled water through an Economizer for Nestle-Loumidis

ARTEMIS in cooperation with ENIMEX-ENERGIA have carried out a project in which chilled water is provided to cover the needs for cooling of the factory Nestle-Loumidis.

The function of the system is very simple.

Through the production procedure of LOUMIDIS smoke fumes are produced, which are then gathered to an Economizer. The great heat potential of the flue gases heats up water which is then driven to two absorption chillers. So, the absorption circle is energized by the hot water coming out from the Economizer and the condenser is water cooled through two cooling towers. The system has also a buffer tank with all the appropriate equipment.

Almost the total of the installation was pre-constructed and tested in our facilities. Then our expert workshop assemplied  all the parts of the network to LOUMIDIS installation.