A Feed Water Tank supplies the steam generator with processed feed water and also discharges the demineralizing and drained water. The long life of a steam boiler mainly depends on the quality of the feed water.
ARTEMIS S.A manufacturing plan includes feed water tanks for steam generators, which are made from carbon steel or stainless steel and are:
Special features
Water level
Feed water temperature
Overflow safeguard
Dry running protection for the pumps operation
The feed water tank can also be provided as a complete water service module, consisting also of :
All the above come pre assembled and so the installation is simplified and it’s cost is minimized.
Atmospheric feed water tank
It’s the simplest form of a feed water tank.
Basicadvantage : Low cost !
Basic disadvantage : Flash steam escapes to the atmpsphere, so its very costly in terms of energy!!!
Feed water tank with full dearation
The modern technology in feed water tanks is to guide the soft raw water and the condensate to the Deaerator Dome. There through the riddled discs all gases such as O2 & CO2 are aborted to the atmosphere through the upper ventil of the Deaerator Dome.
At the temperature of 102 0C almost full deaeration can be achieved whereas the residual dissolved oxygen is gone through the use of proper chemicals.
Basic advantage: Full exploitation of the energy of the condensate and maximum protection of the steam generator against oxidation!
Basic disadvantage: Large initial acquisition cost, which is immediately amortized due to the full exploitation of condensate energy !!!
Feed water tank with partial dearation
In the partial deaeration dome, the softened water and condensates end up again, while O2 & CO2 are expelled to the atmosphere from the upper mouth of the dome.
In partial deaeration feed water tanks, the temperature of the feed water rises to 90 0C, while the remaining dissolved oxygen is removed using suitable chemicals
Basic advantage: Ideal system for steam generators with 3 piston pumps!
Basic disadvantage: Considerable amounts of energy escape to the atmosphere unexploited